Imagine this scenario: a husband and wife decide to divorce after 10 years of marriage. They have 3 children, all of whom are minors. This couple has substantial assets and liabilities deemed community property by the state of California. In the marriage, the husband was the sole provider, and the wife, a stay-at-home mom. Thus, a decision has to be made regarding temporary arrangements during the divorce process.
In this scenario, one of the parties would have to file a Request for Order (RFO) for a Pendente Lite, or temporary child custody orders issued by the court pending trial. This order is:
- issued based on preserving the status quo: (i.e. the custodial arrangement and decision making prior to the temporary orders being requested);
- issued pursuant a motion being filed called a Request for Orders;
- may be combined with other orders such as child support within the same motion.
If you need a Certified Family Law Specialist to help you with this process, Richard Ross Associates is the law firm for you. For more information about temporary child custody orders, please contact Richard Ross Associates, location in Westlake Village, California.