"I heartily recommend him to anybody in need of a well qualified, results-oriented, family law specialist."
I have known Richard Ross, CLFS, for a few years and have retained his legal services on two separate occasions.
While there is some limitation to my financial means, nonetheless, I was in need of quality legal assistance…this I obtained from Richard. He has taken appropriate actions when events, circumstances, and information come to a confluence. Notably, Richard did not "nickel and dime" me with respect to his billings.
I have been impressed by his perceptiveness regarding what the legal process or attorneys will do before it happens. Frequently, events unfolded as he predicted. Accordingly, strategies recommended and pursued by Richard worked in my favor. It is clear to me that I have fared better through his methods of adapting legal proceedings to my specific situation. My desired results were attained.
I know there were times when my anxiety over specific events seemed to get the better of me. Richard has always acted professionally regardless of the situation and effectively handled what was required. He is down-to-earth.
I would not hesitate to, again, retain the legal services of Richard Ross and heartily recommend him to anybody in need of a well qualified, results-oriented, family law specialist.